Airport System Protection From Intruding Drones
Soul Software is very pleased to participate to ASPRID project, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 892036 and SESAR2020 Exploratory Research.
The aim of the project is to address the issue of protecting airport operations against careless or malicious drone intrusions from airport environment operational standpoint.
The project will analyse the vulnerability of airports to different types of drone intrusions, possible ways to respond, and the connections between actors and those aspects involved in the derived scenario. The risk analysis will determine and categorize the issues at play. Based on that analysis, an operational oriented innovative architecture will be defined and validated to respond and, if necessary, neutralize the threat, minimizing its impact on airport operations performance. The architecture will be based on technological items, procedures and the associated regulations assessment.
ASPRID project started on November 1st, 2020 and will run for 2 years until November 2022.

Soul Software Contribution
Soul Software is leader of the Work Package 3: “System Integration and Validation”
The purpose of this WP3 is to validate the operational requirements and the architectures defined in the previous work packages.
For that scope Soul Software will develop a real time simulation platform to validate the proposed procedure changes for the involved stakeholders.
This platform will be connected to the existing SoSo ATC simulation platform (eArts).
This project has received funding from the SESAR Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 892036.